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The unique high concentration extract made for dark circles, a unique source of nutrients and water penetrate deep into the bottom layer of the skin, instantly activating the blood circulation capacity of the microvasculature, like a magnet to absorb melanin and pigmentation, so that the skin is refreshed and rejuvenated, significantly reducing dark circles, smoothing wrinkles, always maintain a healthy state of glowing and elasticity specifically for long-term dark circles, eye dullness, It also helps to reduce the appearance of dark circles.


  1. I get the benefits
    This Vllcode 02M Oxygen Eye Mask by Vllcode is honestly a pretty amazing eye mask. I want to state first and foremost that like others have stated, the eye mask somewhat doesn't like to stay put all night...but in my opinion literally that does NOT even matter to all. As long as the eye mask stays put a majority of the night, and I get the benefits...I am not going to bit.


  2. Enjoy a LOT
    Using these patches is a nice way to unwind with my time. I may use them while taking a bath, reading a book, surfing the web or laying down with my eyes closed. It's just another little way to relax, feel better and enjoy myself.


  3. feel cold and comfy
    Not sure I noticed a huge difference, but it does feel cold and comfy on your eyes when you have them on for 15-20 minutes.


  4. The product is worth every penny
    Love the smell. I can actually see a difference in my skin it went from fine lines to faded fine lines and it's often the deeper line I'm actually excited about this pads. I have been using a few other products and they have been great too but I'm finding the pads work great. This product is worth every penny.


  5. Work for dark circles!!!
    YES YES YES. Been using these for a month and even my facialist said she saw a difference!


  6. I'm surprised. It helps!
    I'm surprised. It actually 'reduces the look of lines and dark circles'. For real. I don't think it will change anything long term, but I'm happy to add it to the under eye concealer and brightener. It makes me look a little better. Really like it.


  7. Must haves!!!
    Love VIIcode products... Having sensitive skin, viicode is the only thing I can and will use.. These patches are a girls best friends.. Pampering myself after applying a mask with them, gives me that complete glow and freashes skin in an instant...


  8. Five Stars
    I really like this product. I can see a difference and I haven't used it very long.


  9. Bought for my wife
    Bought for wife, so far she says works good


  10. Amazing product for dark circles and puffness
    I've been using for 3 weeks. I have really really bad dark circles, from my dad, so till this day, I tried many products with no results, my dad even did a laser treatment that never gave him results. This product is amazing, I'm not saying that it clear the dark circles because that would be a miracle but since I started I can see improvement. No more puffiness and the dark circle is much more clear now. I don't really sleep or eat right so there is no way I can get rid of the dark circles all gone, but this product is helping a lot and I'll keep using it until is done.


Displaying Reviews 11 ~ 20


1 Box of O2M Oxygen Eye Masks for dark circles (6 treatments/box)


  • A variety of precious plants are exquisitely blended with the brand's soul ingredient EOPE in a golden ratio to solve the hypoxic
  • state of the eyes, accelerate the circulation of the eye skin, and quickly fade dark circles. At the same time, relieve skin fatigue,
  • relax nerves, enhance repairing effect, and make eyes firm and youthful


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